Book Outline


Introduction to Social Systems Simulation
Introduction to Computer Simulation of Systems in Social Science
(All Examples from Social Science)

Copyright  ©  2001, Roland Werner, Ph.D.


Modeling General Systems Concepts Review of Probability State/ Process Dynamic Model (SPDM)(TM) Review of a Simulation Language and its Application Computer Simulation Simulation Runs


Validation Writing the Final Report References

Feller, William, 1957, An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Vol.1 (Second Edition), John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Feller, William, 1966, An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Vol.2, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Goldberg, Samuel, 1960, Probability: An Introduction, Prentice- Hall, Inc.

Hastings, N.A.J. and Peacock, J.B., 1975, Statistical Distributions: A Handbook for Students and Practitioners, London, England: The Butterworth Group.

IBM, 1975, Structure Programming: Independent Study Program, IBM Corporation.

Lewis. T.G., 1975, Distribution Sampling for Computer Simulation, Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath and Company.

Naylor, Thomas H., et al., 1966, Computer Simulation Techniques,  John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

von Bertalanffy, Ludwig, 1968, General Systems Theory, New York: George Braziller, Inc.

Werner, Oswald and Schoepfle, G. Mark, 1987, Systematic Fieldwork: Foundations of Ethnography and Interviewing, Vol. 1, Sage Publications,

Werner, Oswald and Schoepfle, G. Mark, 1987, Systematic Fieldwork: Ethnographic Analysis and Data Management, Vol. 1, Sage Publications,

Werner, Roland, 1974, State/ Process Modeling Techniques, unpublished manuscript.

Werner, Roland, 1977, Introduction to a General Systems Simulation Language: GESSIL 1.0(tm), San Diego: Social Systems Simulation Group.

Werner, Roland, 1986, Structured Modeling Concepts, unpublished manuscript.

Werner, Roland and Werner, Joan T., 1972, "A Model and Simulation of the Awareness Process within Innovation Diffusion: Summary of the Research Project," Proceedings: 5th Annual Simulation Symposium, New York: Gordon and Beach.

Werner, Roland and Werner, Joan T., 1972, A Pragmatic Approach to Social Systems Modeling and Simulation, San Diego: Social Systems Simulation Group.

Appendix A

Appendix B Index

About the Author


Social Systems Simulation Group
P.O. Box 6904
San Diego, CA  92166-0904
Roland Werner, Principal
Phone/FAX  (619) 660-1603

Copyright © 1996-2004 Social Systems Simulation Group.
All rights reserved.