The existential concept in Niklas Luhmann's social systems theory: With continuous reference to Soren  Kierkegaard

                         Antrim, Allen L.; MA

                         CENTRAL MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY, 1999

                         SOCIOLOGY, THEORY AND METHODS (0344); THEOLOGY (0469); PHILOSOPHY (0422)

                         This essay suggests that individuals and the social context in which they exist are distinct from one
                         another. This further suggests that, although distinct, a relationship must exist between them. The essay
                         then builds on the assumption that this relationship is an existential one. To examine this assumption,
                         the existential philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard is compared and contrasted with the social
                         systems theory of Niklas Luhmann. The compatibility of these two streams of thought allows for the
                         development of a new working definition of existentialism. This definition enables existentialism to
                         encompass social systems and suggests new areas of social research.


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